Thursday, January 20, 2011

HTA Board

The HTA had its first Board meeting last night and I was in attendance (embarrassingly, I showed up ten minutes late after the meeting had already started). There were probably 40 or 50 people present at the meeting with representatives from seemingly all segments of the local tennis population. There were several league players on the the top of my head I remember: Michael Martinez, Marcus Robinson, Lance Loken, David Frels, Peter Talosig, and Freddy Soewito. I'm sure I left some league people out. The meeting itself was pretty mundane, basically an introduction and then an approval of the budget for the year.

For those of you who don't know, the HTA has a new office in the USPTA building located on BriarPark. They have just recently finished moving in the new office furniture which was generously donated by Shell at the urging of one of our active members. Incidentally, the HTA is in need of a refrigerator for the office if anyone would like to contribute. Please contact Cheryl or me if you are able to help. Any donation would be tax deductible.

Also, just as an FYI, even though I am currently a member of the board it doesn't mean that I will be a shill for the HTA. I will continue to voice my opinions regardless of whether they conflict with HTA policies. That being said, we all have our biases, and mine are positive towards HTA. I've been playing league for 15 years or so and to be honest, have had dealings mainly with only two people at HTA: Cheryl and Diana Wengler. My experiences with both have been very positive, and thus I have had a positive impression of HTA.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. It's a fairly slow time of the year for tennis, though things are starting to move with HTA leagues and Tri-Level either underway or on the immediate horizon.